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Expectations of Behaviour

It is imperative that all children attending Lavender Leonardos behave in an acceptable and safe manner as deemed by the class or workshop tutor/s. Any concerns about behaviour will be brought to the parents/guardians attention whenever possible at the end of the session in person or by phone or email at the earliest convenience. Lavender Leonardos has the sole discretion to decide if the behaviour of an individual is unacceptable and in these instances the parent / carer will be called and asked to collect their child immediately. Cancellations as a result of unacceptable behaviour are not entitled to a refund but may be considered on an individual basis.

We will encourage good behaviour and respect for others;
• secure an acceptable standard of behaviour of pupils;
• promote, among pupils, self-discipline and respect for all staff and students.


We will not tolerate all forms of bullying (including cyberbullying, prejudice-based and discriminatory bullying);

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